Monday, January 11, 2010

Project 365, Week 2 - 50mm

One thing that I knew I had to do when I started thinking about my blog was that I must be able to add a little flare to my personal assignment, so that I wouldn't get bored. This week I decided to shoot every picture with my 50mm f/1.8 lens.
No complaints on my end, the smallest lens in my bag didn't make a hazardous effect on my week. But it did make me thing about a lot of things in regard to using this lens.
1. Thinking more about my aperture, I know the low numbers are better for low light, (the thing that makes this lens what it is), but I wanted to experience with my DOF at closer and longer ranges, reach out to the higher f/stops and see how my lens performed and I was still about to get a good bokeh.
2. Working on different angles of shooting, getting lower, turning my camera, just to find a different eye to simple things that we see everyday.

Day 4/365, 1-4-2010
Taking a quick shot of a tree with some small birds at sunset. I was helping my father load and move some hay around to our cows, something about this just struck me. Such a clear day.
4/365, 1-4-10
50mm@f/6.3, 1/400, ISO 160

Day 5/365, 1-5-2010
Miss Mollie. I had a photoshoot with 2 baby girls that were both under 2 weeks old. Such a fun experience and gaind respect for new mothers. I was excited about how they turned out.
Mollie, 1-5-10, 5/365
50mm@f/4.5, 1/80, ISO 1250

Day 6/365, 1-6-2010
Came home from work and saw my nephews toy dump truck in the yard. I was feeling blah about what I needed to shoot that day. A very shallow DOF was what I was going for.
6/365 1-6-10
50mm@f/1.8, 1/800, ISO200

Day 7/365, 1-7-2010
Ya, I cheated with the iPhone, because I forgot my camera at work. But I really want this bar.
7/365 1-7-10
3.9mm@f/3.9, 1/15, ISO542 (taken with iPhone)

Day 8/365, 1-8-2010
Getting ready for the big freeze.
8/365 1-8-10
50mm@f/5.6, 1/125, ISO500

Day 9/365, 1-9-2010
The freeze came. Brr, hard frozen overnight. Saw this while riding through town, needed a picture.
9/365 1-9-10
50mm@f/8, 1/1000, ISO500

Day 10/365, 1-10-2010
Sometimes you are the bug, sometimes you are the windshield
10/365 1-10-10
50mm@f/8, 1/500, ISO500

Oneward to week 3!
Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Loves me some 50mm prime. I like the concept of one post per week with daily pictures. Good job!
